Starting a Company

Faculty ownership (equity) in a start-up company can be an excellent means of transferring university developed technology to the public sector and promoting economic development. This is particularly true for embryonic technology where existing companies are unwilling to undertake the required research and development effort. To initiate the process, please follow the links below or download the complete Faculty Guide document.

  1. Faculty Participation in Start-Up Companies
  2. Directions for Completing a MURA Application letter
  3. Example of a MURA Letter
  4. Guidelines for Interactions between MSU and Start-up Companies
  5. Appendix: The MURA Law (Mississippi Code)

Once an inventor/developer completes the above process, they are entitled to license intellectual property created as a result of their research efforts at MSU. Generally, the license will involve an equity stake in the company in lieu of an up-front fee and a royalty based on sales. Since the university is not permitted to hold equity in companies, the license agreement is held by the Mississippi State University Research and Technology Corporation (RTC), and the intellectual property will be managed in accordance with the RTC IP policy.